
Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Gaining Attention

Holla guys pasti kalian suka yang namanya di perhatikan,tapi kalau yang namanaya di "kacangin" pasti ogahhhhhh banget dong ? Kali ini topik yang sayang buat di lewatin adalan Gaining Attention.Apa itu Gaining Attention ?Yapp.Tepat banget Gaining Attention adalah bagaimana kita bisa dapat perhatian dari orang-orang di sekitar kita.Langsung aja deh daripada kelamaan bacot.Cekidottt :D

Gaining Attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay attention to that we went to.
Here are some expressions of Gaining Attention :
·         Attention, please!
·         May I have your attention, please?
·         Excuse me, look here !!
·         Listen to me, please
·         Waiter ?
·         I’m sorry, but…
·         Wow really ?
·         Look at the board, please?
·         Hello !! Can you quiet?
Respond :

* Yes,what ? 
* Ok...  
* It's amazing ! 
* I'm sorry,but....
* Wow,really ?
* What happen then ?
* It so good news !
* I'm listening !

Example : 
Friska : "Atin,attention please ?"
Atin : "Yes,what ?"
Friska : "Can you help me ?"
Atin : "I'm sorry,but now I do my homework ."

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