
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012


Holla,lagi-lagi sama ane nih guys yang baik hati dan tidak sombong membagikan ilmu yang udah ane dapet dan pelajari hhehehe :D .Ngomong-ngomong kalian pernah nulis sebuah undangan ? if you can't make it ,then i give you a material about how to make invitation (written). Yasudah langsung aja cekidottt guys :D

Writing an Invitation Letter
An invitation letter serves the purpose of inviting a guest to a party, an event or a celebration while conveying more information than a traditional invitations card. It serves two purposes; one, to invite the individual to the event and two, to ensure that the person receiving the letter is going to attend.

There are two tenses used within the invitation letter, the present and the future. The present tense conveys information about the event and the future tense ensures the guest is going to attend.

Here's How:
1. Names of party hosts or sponsoring organization.
2. Type of event (birthday party, business networking meeting, etc.).
3. Place.
4. Date.
5. Time.
6. RSVP date and phone number.
7. Any special dress requirements from black-tie to bathing suits.
8. Rain date (if any).
9. Be specific about who is invited, whether address only, with guest, or with spouse and children.

1. Always send written invitations for formal events such as business gatherings, formal dinners, and special occasions like showers, weddings or events honoring someone.

2. If guests are not from your local area, include a map to location of event.

3. Send anywhere from 8 - 2 weeks in advance depending on formality of occasion. Weddings require the longest lead-time; casual dinners and brunches require the least.

4. Offerins invitation
- Would you like to come to the restaurant this evening?
- Will you join us?
- Would you care to have dinner with us tonight?
- Could you come to a party at my place tomorrow?
- I wander whether you would care to come on a picnic with us next week?

5. Accepting invitation
- Yes,I’d love very much.
- Thank you.
- Yes,with pleasure.

6. Reffusing
# If you don’t mind,i’d rather not.

# Thank you,i’m busy,may be next time.
# I have got another appointment.
# I’m sorry.
# I’ve lost to work to do.


Invitation Verbal
We want to invite you to come to our house
Can you come to my restaurant?
Are you free tonight?

Accepting (menerima)
1.I like that
2.That sounds good
3.Thank you for inviting

1.I like that but I can’t
2.I’m very sorry for not able to come
3.Sorry, I’m very busy

Example of picture :

Yunai : "I will make invitation (written) to my friend "

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012


Pernah dapet kejutan guys ?
misalnya pas kamu lagi ulang tahun,tiba-tiba seluruh teman-teman kamu berubah 180 derajat.Trus malam-malam mereka dateng bawa kue tart dan bilang "SURPRISES !!!!!!!"
Pasti senang banget campur haru kan ?Kali ini nih kita bakal bahas yang namanya "Surprises & Disbeliefs"
okay langsung aja cekidottt nyo :D

A feeling that we feel when heard an amazing news which surprised and amazed us an expression that we show/ say when we know /hear/see something that rather difficult to believe .Used to express something taht we cant or impossible.

To express surprise or disbelief: 
  • What a surprise!
  • That’s a surprise!
  • (Well), that’s very surprising!
  • Really?
  • What?
  • Are you serious?
  • You must be joking!
  • You’re kidding!
  • Fancy that!
  • I must say … surprises me.
  • I find that hard to believe.

Example of expressing surprise: 

A: How can you say that?
B: Well, that’s the fact.


A: I can’t believe it!
B: That’s true

When you got a surprising fact, you can say:
Do you know what?
Believe it or not?
You may not believe it, but …
Can you believe this?

You can respond to the surprising fact using these expressions:
Are you joking?
Where? Show me.

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012


Hi guys,udah semester 2 nih dan pastinya bahan ajar kita juga tambah matang dan tambah keren-keren lagi ya.Di awal semester 2 ini nih ane udah punya bahan yang pastinya bakal nambah pengetahuan kita semua.Apa itu,ayo ? Okay, you must know about congratulation,compliment and gratitude because they are very important in our life.Cekiiiidot guys :D

Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people. When speaking English, you say “thanks” very often. Please say “thank you” when people give you something, help you do something, wish you something and give you a compliment etc.


  • *Thank you very much
  • *Thank you for your help
  • *I’m really very grateful to you
  • *You’re welcome
  • *Don’t mention it
  • *It’s a pleasure / My pleasure
  • *I want to express my gratitude to (my teacher, my father, etc)
  • *I am grateful to your help
Example of picture :

Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use compliments to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will, for example: 
  • on his/her general appearance
  • if you notice something new about the person’s appearance
  • when you visit someone’s house for the first time
  • when other people do their best


  • What a nice dress!
  • You look great.
  • You look very nice/beautiful/handsome.
  • I really must express my admiration for your dance.
  • Good grades!
  • Excellent!
  • Nice work!
  • Good job!

Example of picture :

Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation utterance when he/she succeeds in doing something.

  • *Congratulations!
  • *Congratulations on your success!
  • *Happy birthday!
  • *Happy Lebaran Day/Happy led!
  • *Merry Christmas!
  • *Happy New Year!
  • *Happy Valentine!
  • *Happy anniversary!

Example of picture :