
Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Prepositional Pharases

Alohaaaa guys,kembali lagi nih di blog ane yang agak aneh tapi unik sekaligus gak kalah saing dengan blog-blog papan atas lainnnya hahhaha.Sempet down nih gara-gara modem ane yang kadang ngandat,makanya baru sekarang topik terbaru di semester 1 ini bisa terbit dengan sukses Dan kali ini ane punya topik yamg pas banget buat ente-ente yang lagi pada galau,sedih,benggong,gak ada kerjaan ato apapun itulah hehheh.Namanya adalah "Prepositional Pharases."

What is the prepositional pharases ?apa aja bentuk dan contohnya?Apa aja yang bisa kalian dapet setelah baca dan nyimak topik ini ?Kapan prepositional pharases bisa digunakan di kehidupan sehari-hari ? Hmm.C'mon daripada kebanyakkan nanya mending langsung aja cekiii...cekidottt nyo guys :D

At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause, the "object" of the preposition.

The object of the preposition will often have one or more modifiers to describe it. These are the patterns for a prepositional phrase:

preposition + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
preposition + modifier(s) + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause

Here are some examples of the most basic prepositional phrase:
1. At school
At = preposition; school = noun.
2. In time
In = preposition; time = noun.
3. FromYolla
From = preposition; Yolla = noun.
4. With you
With = preposition; you = pronoun.
5. By jumping
By = preposition; jumping = gerund.
6. About what we like
About = preposition; what we like = noun clause.

Most prepositional phrases are longer, like these:
*From my boyfriend
From = preposition; my = modifier; boyfriend = noun
*Under the 
Under = preposition; the, warm = modifiers; blanket = noun
*In the weedy, overgrown garden 
In = preposition; the, weedy, overgrown = modifiers; garden = noun.
*Along the busy, six-lane highway 
Along = preposition; the, busy, six-lane = modifiers; highway = noun.
*Without excessively worrying 
Without = preposition; excessively = modifier; worrying = gerund.
Understand what prepositional phrases do in a sentence. 
A prepositional phrase will function as an adjective or adverb. As an adjective, the prepositional phrase will answer the question Which one?

#The soap on the bathroom floor is swollen from shower steam.
Which soap? The one on the bathroom floor!

#The sweet potatoes in the vegetable bin are green with mold.
Which sweet potatoes? The ones forgotten in the vegetable bin!

#The note from Aya confessed that she had eaten the leftover pizza.
Which note? The one from Aya !

As an adverb, a prepositional phrase will answer questions such as How? When? or Where? 

**Yunai is stiff from yesterday's long football practice. 
How did Yunai get stiff? From yesterday's long football practice!
**Before class, Friska begged his friends for a pencil.
When did Friska do his begging? Before class!
**Feeling brave, we tried the Dragon Breath Burritos at Atin's Taco Palace.
Where did we eat the spicy food? At Atin's Taco Palace!
Remember that a prepositional phrase will never contain the subject of a sentence. 
Sometimes a noun within the prepositional phrase seems the logical subject of a verb. Don't fall for that trick! You will never find a subject in a prepositional phrase. Look at this example: 
Neither of these cookbooks contains the recipe for Manhattan-style squid eyeball stew.Cookbooks do indeed contain recipes. In this sentence, however, cookbooks is part of the prepositional phrase of these cookbooks. Neither—whatever a neither is—is the subject for the verb contains.Neither is singular, so you need the singular form of the verb, contains. If you incorrectly identified cookbooks as the subject, you might write contain, the plural form, and thus commit a subject-verb agreement error.
Some prepositions—such as along with and in addition to—indicate "more to come." They will make you think that you have a plural subject when in fact you don't. Don't fall for that trick either! Read this example: 
Rirri, along with the other students, breathed a sigh of relief when Mrs. Ita Sihombing announced that she was postponing the due date for the research essay.
Logically, more than one student is happy with the news. But Rirri is the only subject of the verb breathed. Her classmates count in the real world, but in the sentence, they don't matter, locked as they are in the prepositional phrase.

Example of picure :

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Vocabs Part of the Body,Shapes

Holla,holla guys ! *langsung aja yee ke bacotan gue sebagai kata sambutan manis dari gue.

Every object in the world has a shape. And every human has a part of body. Today I will discuss the material about Shapes and Part of body. And we gonna learn shapes and parts of body, what we have in the world.*ceilehh sok english banget gue dah,tapi kosakata gue gak payah-payah banget kan ? Hmm, but, not all of shapes.*saya pikir anda berpendapat sama dengan saya juga kan ? So I will show you partly. And for the parts of body, I will show you the outside parts of body. Just like a face, hand, foot, and much more. The meaning is not included inside parts, like heart, kidney, liver, etc. Okay, daripada berlama-lama dengan bacotan gue ini langsung aja cekidottt guys :D

Definition of shapes is all the geometrical information that remains when location, scale and rotational effects are filltered out from an object.
Example :

Part of The Body


Holla guys,sekarang kita bakal ngebahas tentang Greeting,apa itu Greeting? Gimana aja contoh nya?Salah satunya adalah kata "Hello" dan kalian pun udah gak asing lagi kan dengan kata-kata kayak gitu .Nah, ya udah daripada berbasa-basi lagi langsung aja cekkidott.

Definition of greetings is a very common expression s to say that we meet people or we want to be nice with them.

**Formal Greetings
- Good morning (until about lunch time, before 12 a.m)
- Good afternoon (12-6 p.m)
- Good evening (until about 9 p.m)
- Good morning Sir, Ma'am,

Notes : Do not use "Good Bye" except in Australia.

**Informal Greetings
- Hi, Rirri !
- Morning, Yolla !
- Hello..
- How are you,Ita ?

**Initial Greetings
- How are you ? I'm fine thank you.
- How's it doing ?
- How are you doing ?
- How's life ?

**Responding to initial greetings
- Very well, thank you. And you ?
- I'm good/okay/alright
- Oh, pretty good
- Not too bad, thanks
- Fine, thanks
- Excellent

Example of dialog :

Virlly : "Morning,Wulan."
Wulan : "Morning,Virlly."
Virlly : "How are you ?"
Wulan : "Fine,how about you ?"
Virlly : "Hmm.Not bad."

Example of greetings card :


Definition of invitation  is a request to someone that invites him/her to go somewhere or do something, or the cards this is written on.
Verbal Invitation :
·         I would like to invite you to come to my party birthday.
·         Would you like to come to my house?
·         If you are not busy, please come to my office tomorrow.
·         Let’s go to the Cinema 21.
·         We hope you join us.
·         Would you mind coming to our anniversary?
·         Can you come?
·         Are you free this night?
·         How would you like to go picnic with us next week?
·         If you don’t mind, please come to my house this evening.
Here are some expressions of Invitation :
*How to Accepting an invitation :
·          I’d love to
·         I like that
·         That sounds great
·         Thank you for the invitation
·         That would be wonderful
·         I’d be glad to
·         That sounds like fun
·         It’s very nice of you to invite me
·         It sounds interesting
·         Thank you. Yes, I would to
·         O.K !
* How to Declining an Invitation :
·         I’d love to, but I can’t come, because…
·         I’m really sorry, because I can’t come
·         Sorry, I’m really busy
·         I’d love to, but I won’t be able to
·         I’d love to, but I don’t think I can
·         Sorry, that wouldn’t be possible. Thanks
·         That’s nice/great. Unfortunately/However…
·         That’s very kind of you, but …

Examples :
 (Example invitation of wedding party)

 (Example invitation of brithday party)

 (Example invitation of Baptiezed)

 (Example formal invitation)


Definition :
1.      Noun, an arrangement to meet a person or be at place at a certain time
2.      Noun, the act of placing in a job/position
3.      Noun, the person who receives such as job/position
4.      Noun, the job/position to which such as a person is appointed
Here are some expressions of Appointment :
*How to Making an Appointment :
·         I’d like to make an appointment with David
·         I want to make an appointment to see Andy
·         I’d like to you come and see
·         Can I come and see you?
·         What about….
*How to Accepting an Appointment :
·          All right, see you there
·         No problem, I’m free on…. (Monday)
·         Be there on time
·         I’ll wait for you
·         It’s a deal
*How to Cancelling an Appointment :
·         I’m terrible sorry, I have to put off my appointment
·         I’m sorry, I’m very busy
·         I’m afraid I have to postpone my appointment with Piko tomorrow afternoon
·         I’m sorry, I can’t
*How to Changing an Appointment :
·         What about… (Sunday, at 04.00 p.m)
·         Is that O.K, if we meet at café
·         Could we change the schedule of meeting?
·         Do you have another time this morning?

Example :

Example of dialog :

Gabriella : "Hi, are you busy this evening?"
Yoona : "No. What's up?"
Gabriella : "How about, we go to see a movie?"
Yoona : "O.K. What time?"
Gabriella : "At 5 p.m"
Yoona : I'm sorry, I can't this evening at 5 p.m, what about 8 p.m?
I must go to my aunt's house at 5 p.m."
Gabriella : "O.K No Problem. I wait for you."
Yoona : "That would be great !!"

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Happines Expressions

Definition of happines expressions is an expressions that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings.

Here some expressions of Happines Expressions :
·         I’m Happy
·         I’m (very) pleased(really) delighted (about)
·         Great !!
·         Fantastic !!
Examples :

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Gaining Attention

Holla guys pasti kalian suka yang namanya di perhatikan,tapi kalau yang namanaya di "kacangin" pasti ogahhhhhh banget dong ? Kali ini topik yang sayang buat di lewatin adalan Gaining Attention.Apa itu Gaining Attention ?Yapp.Tepat banget Gaining Attention adalah bagaimana kita bisa dapat perhatian dari orang-orang di sekitar kita.Langsung aja deh daripada kelamaan bacot.Cekidottt :D

Gaining Attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay attention to that we went to.
Here are some expressions of Gaining Attention :
·         Attention, please!
·         May I have your attention, please?
·         Excuse me, look here !!
·         Listen to me, please
·         Waiter ?
·         I’m sorry, but…
·         Wow really ?
·         Look at the board, please?
·         Hello !! Can you quiet?
Respond :

* Yes,what ? 
* Ok...  
* It's amazing ! 
* I'm sorry,but....
* Wow,really ?
* What happen then ?
* It so good news !
* I'm listening !

Example : 
Friska : "Atin,attention please ?"
Atin : "Yes,what ?"
Friska : "Can you help me ?"
Atin : "I'm sorry,but now I do my homework ."

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Sympathy Expressions

Sympathy Expression
Definition : An expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone/people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.
#How can we give sympathy expression to someone ??
            We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card (post), also by Short Message Service ( SMS), E-Mail, television, radio and newspaper if he/she got the trouble is far from us.
#Several expressions of sympathy :
1.      Id like to express my deepest condolences
2.      Im sorry to hear that
3.      Im awfuly sorry about
4.      Ow, how awful!!
5.      Oh, dear !!
6.      You must be very upset
7.      Oh, what ashame
8.      How pity you are!
9.      How terrible/awful for you
Example of dialog : 

Fariz : "Hey Anton, listen to me.."
Anton : "What's wrong, Fariz?"
Fariz : "Do you know, Ella's father has accident"
Aton : "What, Oh dear !!" *feel sad*
Fariz : "Why not we see her father tonight at the hospital ?'
Anton : "I agree"

Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Giving Instuction

Definition of giving instuction is an expressions that is used in order that other person does what we instruct/request

The difference between request and instructions

Instructions (also called imperatives)
Instructions require the person receiving them to do something, or to stop doing it. Instructions are directly addressed to the person who has to do thwm. Threfore, instructions are one of the few types of English sentences that do not need a subject. The subject is usually "you" (understood). If there is any doubt who should do the instruction, the "naming" form- the vocative is used.

Requests are often questions, though indirect requesta may not be. Somentimes an instruction is changed into a request by the addition of "please" or a question tag. To make a request more polite we might use the subjunctive form of the verb. Very often English requests are indirect. Instead of asking someone to do something, the speaker asks if the person is able to do it. Theremore modals of ability ("can", "may",etc) are very often used.
Example :
  • Open the door !
  • Don't disturb me !
  • Be quiet !
  • Take your book now,Charla !


"Pengumuman,pengumuman nanti sore akan diadakan pertandingan futsal antara  X-5 melawan X-6 diharapkan untuk teman-teman datang memberikan dukungan pada pukul 15.00 di Borneo Futsal.Terimakasih."  
Nah,guys itu adalah salah satu example dari topik yang bentar lagi kita bahas,mau tau yang selengkapan,langsung aja cekidotttt :D

Definition of announcement is something said, written, or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) what will happen.

Generic structure/ points:
1.The title or type of event
2.Date or time, place
3.Contact person

Example :

Recount Text

Asyikkk kali ini kita bakal nyuguhin topik yang pastinya yahut bin matap buat ente semua.Langsung aja guys cekidottt :D

Definition of recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

The generic structures of recount text are :
Orientation : ( it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened)
Events : (a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence)
Re-orientation : (restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident)

Characteristic of Recount Text :
#Use of simple past tense
#Use of temporal conjunctions (when, after, before, next, later, then)
#Use of personal pronoun (I, we)
Example :

My Holiday was Fantastic

Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great places.

I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.

Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.

After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing.

The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Narrative Text

Holla guys,lanjut nih buat english lesson kita.Kali ini ane punya topik yang keren yang sayang buat di lewatin.Langsung aja cekidot nyooo :D

Definition of narrative text is story. Mostly, narrative are imaginary stories but sometimes narratives can be factual too. Narrative includes fairy stories,fables,mystery,science,fictions,any romance and horror.

Characteristic of Narrative Text :

1. Entertain the readers
2. Structure of the text = orientation- complication- resolution
3. Other Generic structure = evaluation and coda
4. Language features = nouns, adjectives, time conjuction and conjunctions, adverb and adverbial phrases, action verbs, saying verbs

Kinds of Narrative Text :
• Myth
• Legend
• Fable
• Folklore
Generic Structures: Orientation - Complication - Evaluation (optional) - Resolution

Orientation: it is about WHO, WHEN, and WHERE the story happened.

Evaluation: is optional; it is usually used to make the story more interesting.

Complication: it is about the conflict or the big problem of the story. Complication is the part of the story in which there is a conflict among the characters of the story (it is possible to make more than one conflict in a complication), and it is the climax of the story (the big problem in the story). A story can have more than one complication.

Resolution: it is the solution of the problem. It can be a happy or sad ending. In Resolution, the solution or the way out of the conflict/ the big problem must be written.

Coda: it is the change of one of the character or two, or the meaning of the story that can be caught as a moral value of life.

Example :


Once upon a time there was a village in North Israel. All the people lived peacefully there. One of them was Jonah. Jonah lived with his parents. They loved him very much. (Orientation 1)
In the north of Israel was Syria. It had powerful knights. They were very cruel and liked to invade other countries. (Orientation 2)
One night when the people of Jonah’s village were sleeping, the Syrian knights attacked his village. They burned down the houses. One of them threw a torch into Jonah’s house. Jonah’s house was on fire. (Complication)
Jonah and his parents avoided the fire burning their house. They saved themselves by climbing a ladder to the upstairs. It was too high for them to jump down to the ground from the upstairs. Jonah’s father took a rope to get down from the stairs to the ground. They escaped to another village.(Resolution)
Jonah and his parents lived in a fishermen village. They became fishermen. (Reorientation)
One day, when they were fishing in the sea, Jonah fell into the sea. Jonah was drawn into the sea. A whale came closed to him. He tried to swim avoiding the whale as fast as possible but he failed and at last the whale swallowed him. Jonah was still alive in the stomach of the whale. He prayed to God to be released from the stomach of the whale.(Complication)
Fortunately God granted his prayer. The whale came closed to an island. It opened its mouth and Jonah came out from its stomach.(Resolution)
Jonah swam to the seashore and he lived in a new island.(Reorientation)
Moral value : Don’t give up when you face the problems
Pray to God to get the miracle